Original Italian ice cream sundaes with whipped cream
and fruits delivered to your home!
Ice cream parlor quality guaranteed with our patented refrigeration packaging
for a delivery up to an our even at 40°C in the shade
We’re bringing the ice cream parlor to you. Have any ice cream creation and Milkshake delivered to your door in the patented twin-cooling-zone packaging.
Delivery of fully decorated ice cream sundaes perfectly cooled for optimal consumption pleasure. A smooth finish at -13°C. Whipped cream, fruits, toppings in perfect consistency - without freezing.
Naturally our young guests enjoy their ice cream in fresh over the counter quality. No more melting or dripping.
The patented delivery packaging already consists of 100% renewable, recyclable or certified materials.
We're revolutionizing gelateria enjoyment and paving the way for out-of-house ice cream consumption.
The nice thing about it: GelatoPack helps its sales partners to achieve significantly more sales. Because 91% of all delivery orders are additional sales. Each order is additional revenue.
tons of microplastics enter the environment and into food cycles every year because of plastic coated cardboard cups used to prevent them from getting soaked.
Environmentally harmful one-way ice cream cups accumulate in Germany every day. That’s 33 thousand per hour.
Tons of CO2-emissions are produced by customers driving to and from ice cream parlors p.a.
Microplastics due to a deposit system. At the end of its lifecycle new packaging is created from the granules of old packaging.
Reduction of disposed on-way cups through a deposit-return-system.*
*When reused 30 times
Reduktion of CO2-emissions*, provided the consumer doesn’t take a car. Instead: 18 gelato cups in a backpack per bike delivery trip. World record!
With our innovative and patented method, it is possible to enjoy original Italian Gelateria, milkshakes and more in perfect ice cream parlor consistency, delivered to your home for the first time!
Our special packaging system ensures a delivery service where neither your ice cream melts nor your decorations (whipped cream, fruits) freeze, thus preventing them from becoming mushy and unsightly when defrosted later. This is made possible through our patented twin-zone refrigeration packaging
To offer you not only the cooling carton for original Italian ice cream cups, milkshakes & CO, but also all other components necessary for the delivery process, such as cooling accumulators, the cooling liquids adapted to the optimum consumption temperature, cups and lids, etc., from a single source can’t be wrong, can it?
Informationen zu den Genussrechten 2024 Final
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Informationen zu den Genussrechten 2024
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